Build up your team’s digital literacy
A workforce that learns about the possibilities of the cloud, real-time interaction and programming is a workforce with an advantage. It may seem daunting to learn all of that, and it seems like a mountain too-high to climb, but like Marvin Gaye taught us, ain't no mountain high enough.
That's what CodeGames is here to do: help your team learn to use digital tools while having fun.
CodeGames is an easy, fun way to learn how to program and to strengthen relationships within a team. Why?
It’s easy because the language and environment are designed for people that have no initial knowledge of programming, and because players get instant feedback: they see the effects of the code they write immediately reflected on the screen.
It's fun because your team learns by playing a game with co-workers, which is a great team building activity, and it's much more compelling than any 2-hour seminar, plus you can actually be sure people will learn something.
How to play
The game can be played in training mode, but was intended to be played as a tournament with other players, which favors bonding and can be a healthy and positive way to help your workforce achieve short-term goals in a focused way. Tournaments last up to 2 hours.
CodeGames and learning
We’ve learned over the years that the best way to learn is to feel safe enough to make mistakes. When people feel safe, they can try things out, which leads to better understanding, to finding new approaches, and to our ultimate goal here: learning what works and why. CodeGames provides a safe environment in which people can learn how to code by actually coding to solve an actual problem (shooting down other spaceships!), but without the risks of trying things on business software: they’re just playing a game with colleagues.
Setup & Pricing
CodeGames doesn't really demand much from you: each participant will need a computer and an internet connection. Oh, and a predisposition to shoot everyone else's ships! There’s an introductory and animated tutorial that takes anybody from zero to being ready to play. As for the organizer, please contact us at and we'll set you up with a plan that suits you.